EDV und IT

Human decisions: the key to society

We live in a highly complex, interdependent world, and the number of decisions we need to make is exploding. Due to increasing knowledge and scientific progress, we also have more and more information at our disposal to make these decisions. At the same time, we face growing uncertainties like financial crises, climate change, migration and international terrorism on the one hand, and more individual freedom and autonomy on the other.

Under these circumstances it is increasingly difficult – yet also increasingly important – to understand how to make smart individual and strategic decisions. Such decisions form the cornerstone of the proper functioning of institutions, organisations and markets, on which our very wellbeing depends. To understand what good decisions are and how we can make them, this programme gives you a thorough understanding of the cognitive and social aspects of human decision-making.

Economics and psychology: the best of both worlds

Offered jointly by the School of Business and Economics (SBE) and the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN), Human Decision Science combines the best of two worlds. It takes the rigour and clarity of economic and game-theoretic decision analysis, and combines it with the human factors of bounded rationality, biases and emotions from psychology. This programme thus goes beyond the traditional, monodisciplinary approach in understanding human decisions. It is a genuinely interdisciplinary programme that combines economics and psychology in all their different facets, from the neuropsychological basis of decision making to multinational institutions like the European Union.

Human Decision Science is a one-year, full-time programme taught entirely in English. Graduates will receive a Master of Science in Human Decision Science.

Quelle. http://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/web/Faculties/SBE/TargetGroup/Education/MastersProgrammes/HumanDecisionS cience.htm?gclid=CLLPnceY8ssCFY4y0wodw_0NIg

Die neue Generation analytischer Software- WatsonAnalytics von IBM als betriebswirtschaftliche Saaslösung für den wirtschaftlichen und auch sonstigen Bedarf

Vuca oder nicht vuca, dass ist hier die Datenanalysefrage. Big data stark wechselhaft und obendrein vielfach ungewiss in einem komplexen Umfeld erfordert Talente, um Widersprüche und Unstimmigkeiten zu vermeiden, die vom Meschen allein ohne Robotassistenz nicht mehr zu bewältigen sind.WatsonAnalytics von IBM  ist die Weiterentwicklung von Softwareentwicklung, die diesem Umstand in besonders geeigneter Weise Abhilfe schaffen kann.

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